Our team of Professional Quantity Surveyors, Engineers, and Architects has the costing expertise you need to make informed decisions.

Vigilant approaches every project with precision and experience. Our team of certified Professional Quantity Surveyors (PQS) and Construction Estimators (CEC) will collaborate with you to provide construction cost services. Our construction execution experience coupled with management expertise positions us to provide reliable cost data and information. Vigilant offers construction cost estimating for residential, commercial, large industrial, and civil infrastructure projects.


  • Concept design - Class D estimate  

  • Preliminary design - Class C estimate  

  • Detailed design - Class B estimate  

  • Pre-tender detailed - Class A estimate  

  • Value engineering   

  • Change order reviews


The first question asked about every construction project is: “how much will it cost?” Determining the possible budget of a construction project requires understanding the scope and complexity of what you are building. Getting a sense of the cost of a project during the early stages allows owners to make informed decisions about whether or not to proceed. Once you have begun the design of your project, conducting regular cost estimates will enable you to ensure that your project is staying on track which will help you avoid surprises when you get prices from contractors.

Let’s work together.

We are the trusted adviser you have been looking for. Vigilant's multidisciplinary team is determined to deliver a high-quality project, whatever it takes.  

Contact us today to get your project started!